Looking for


Animation Reels


Layout Reels


Crowd Reels

Tech Animation

Tech Animation Reels

Both Professional and Personal demo reels provided - For password please contact me via email or LinkedIn. (For applications, the password is provided in my resume)

Films, TV, and Games that Jonathan has worked on:

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Software Knowledge

Maya / Motion Builder

Both hand key and motion capture animation. Extra skills include hard-surface modeling and rigging.

Unreal Engine

Real time workflows, setting up blueprints and Animation methods through state machines and sequencer.


Animation, both hand keyed and motion capture. 3D modeling, sculpting and simulation. 

Shogun Motion Capture

Preparing, Directing, and Acting in a Motion Capture session. 

Adobe Products

Professional use and knowledge of Adobe Premiere, After Effects, Photoshop and Animate.

Substance Painter

Creating photo-realistic PBR textures for use in a real-time.


Creating crowd simulations, crowd agent setup, promoting agents, animating cycles, and state machine creation.


Python programmer streamlining animation pipelines with automation scripts, reducing repetitive tasks to clicks.


Creating complex and efficient Game Dev and Virtual Production tools for Unreal Engine 5 with C++.

Icons provided by respective software companies

Studio Experience

Activision Blizzard

Rooster Teeth



Warner Bros.

Background image modeled and rendered by Jonathan DeLeon in Unreal Engine - Logos provided by respective studios